Taiwan in UN by 2020

Friday, August 12, 2011





Note by VCC:美國華府 蔡英文粉絲團の發起人


This is why we find it so hard to talk to some fellow Taiwanese about Taiwan politics,
namely, almost all I hear from them are either desperate moaning and whining,
or direct quotes from TV talk show without digesting.

My dear fellow Taiwanese, you all claim that you love Taiwan. So please remember:

Love does not complain;
Love spreads courage and hope, not fear or despair;
True love reaches people’s heart, dissolving indifference and hatred into even more love;
Love seeks always better ways to success, having no habit or leisure for any failure thoughts;
Love does not know how to cease, and easily tolerates the seemingly intolerable.

To love Taiwan, means to love all of Taiwan. The whole Taiwan.
Everything, good AND bad, about Taiwan.

We hate not those who don’t see like us.
They just don’t know yet. We have to tell them. It’s our duty.

We need to tell more people about Taiwan history and her multi-cultural heritages,
and why they worth cherishing.
We need to let them understand and FEEL that of course we are all Taiwanese,
and we’re all in this together.

More and more people will eventually see this simple fact,
which in fact has not much to do with ideology.

To me, that’s how we can help Taiwan, make Taiwan better.
If you want the positive, do the positive.

We support Tsai Ing-Wen, not because we want to defeat or overthrow anybody from any party.
We started to support her since as early as 2001, because we see in her the best leader to unite Taiwan.

There’s only one Taiwan.
Let’s help her, and ourselves, to achieve just that.