救台灣唯一的關鍵,就在於贏得〔中華民國〕總統大選 -2
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Tuesday, December 15, 2009, 6:53 PM
Green finally realize it is not unthinkable to win 2012.
Now put yourself back into late March last year (2008) and recall what you were thinking then.
Next put yourself back into May last year (2008) and recall what you were thinking then.
And learn from this experience.
When I said we will fight and win 2012 back then, no Green I met even dare to answer positively or even have the slightest thought of the sort.
We need to learn from this, and re-examine our political judgment and observation, and re-strengthen our faith in our motherland and our fellow people.
Taiwan as a country has its fundamental conflict of national interest with China, and this fact is beyond any ideological differences and is felt daily by people in Taiwan.
This, plus some basic understanding of the voters structure in Taiwan, made me believe HsiaoYing is the fittest next President of Taiwan (since as early as 2002).
Not just the most electable, but the best candidate, Green or Blue, for the leader position to deal with China and US and to handle economics for present and future.
She knows the best of everything that’s the most required of a President. She provided her service of expertise knowledge to President Lee and Chen and Premier Su.
I think it’s about time to let HsiaoYing herself take the job leading Taiwan.
We will not “fight” among Green for her candidacy (if someone else represents DPP, we will also support him/her without reservation, as I’m sure HsiaoYing herself would have);
But we welcome more and more friends, Green or Blue, to join us in supporting HsiaoYing and her leadership, as DPP Chairperson for now and as Taiwan President eventually.
Extra link (and comment/reply by VCC):
也有知名政論家周而復始的為某政治人物 拉抬聲勢,
一定起而攻擊,這樣的品牌忠誠度也稱的 上「堅此百忍」;
更新奇的還有新的「蔡飯團後援會」,竟 然號稱「給我蔡英文,
請問這些忠於「扁牌」「長牌」「蔡牌」 的「死忠兼換帖」
VCC: Date: 2010/3/23
Miss Hsiao writes good and powerful essays (we actually distributed some of her works before),
but I think like some (mostly Dark Green) Taiwanese, she might want to lighten up a bit.
(For example, it might bring a smile to her face if she finds out the relationship between JCC and VCC.
Relax. The slogan, as well as club name, is for fun only. Anyone young at heart would get that.)
It’s actually quite encouraging or even flattering to see IngWen Fans Club (蔡英文粉絲團) being
mentioned on the same par as those 大將 or 政 論家.
However, there’s a big difference between us and them -- we don’t attack, or at least we try not to
(which is of course one of the most important reasons why we like 蔡英文 in the first place).
Our logic is very simple:
“The only way for Green to save Taiwan is to win at the election of the President of the ROC.
And the only way for Green to win at the ROC Presidential Election is to have one best candidate,
in terms of not just the most electable (absolute majority; over 50%) running for the President,
but especially the most capable at being a good President.”
Since as early as 2001, we think we found her. But we didn’t start our Club until after May 20th of
2004, for obvious reason. Furthermore, we never attacked any of the Green leaders, even
during the years 2007 and 2008. And we intend to keep it that way, which means whoever
eventually represents DPP as the Presidential Candidate, we will support.
I understand the anxiety shared by lots of fellow Taiwanese, and also how their feelings were
hurt over the years by this and that politician. Nevertheless, in order for a group of people to
work and fight together, there needs to be a leader. Everyone will have her/his preference
as to who that leader may be, but in the long run, unless we converge, we won’t win.
Finally, since we believe in Positive Campaigning, we already changed our slogan last year:
外柔內剛, 包容 前瞻 蔡英文 我們就是喜歡
We hope that Miss Hsiao will like our new slogan, just like we like her writings.
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